Utility Notification Center
811 bike

Utility Notification Center

In July 2004, Governor Linda Lingle signed into law a bill requiring the PUC to establish a One Call Center by January 1, 2006. Hawaii's One Call Center will be similar to other centers operating throughout the nation and the first of its kind in this State requiring mandatory participation by both excavators (e.g., contractors) and operators (e.g., public utilities). The One Call Center system will provide advanced warning to excavators of the location of underground lines before they begin digging. This mandatory "Call Before You Dig" program will provide excavators with a single phone number to call for locating and marking underground lines, including lines for electric, gas, telecommunications, cable, water and sewer facilities.

Consequently, on November 15, 2005, One Call Concepts, Inc. (OCC) was awarded the contract to operate the Hawaii One Call Center (HOCC) beginning January 1, 2006. The purpose of this page is to introduce OCC to you and to communicate to you information that will help you in filing your locate requests starting January 1, 2006.

One of the most important differences that OCC brings as your new service provider is the software that we use to operate your call center. It is called PRISM. PRISM is a map based system that allows facility owners a higher level of screening requests before they get to them. Our operators will be asking a series of questions that allow them to more closely define the area of your excavation. This screening helps in efficiently directing locating resources to where they are needed.

The Hawaii One Call Center will be available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week three hundred and sixty five days a year. Administrative office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST (we are located in Portland Oregon).

Oregon Locate Numbers

Locate Numbers

Hawaii One Call Center (HOCC)

Call: 1-866-423-7287 (or 811)

Coverage Area: The entire state of Hawaii


Hawaii Utility Notification Center Calendar of Events